Freitag, 4. Januar 2013


Ok, so i´m frustrated at the moment. Bare with me.

I´m reading alot of blogs at the moment and stumbled over the Oldhammer Movement ( and LOVED IT!... tried my luck on and found so many cool oldhammery minis, I liked to bid on to start some oldhammering. As i´m a leadhead, i´m a collector, i´m a fan.

But no, no shipping infos for germany, so no bidding allowed mister.

No Heroes for Wargames for me...

Ok, I contacted the sellers. All of them. Wrote them some nice lines, telling them that i´m a collector from germany interested in giving them my hard earned money. I was asking politely for the possibility to bid on their items.

I wrote to 10 or so different people. How many do you think answered ? How many allowed bidding on their items ?

Angry, you know ?
Guess again. Only 2 answers. All negativ. No shipping for me, no bidding allowed.

Hello? What´s wrong with you guys?

I know, i know. Everybody can sell to whom ever they want or don´t want... whatsoever:

I don´t get it. Why do so many british sellers don´t want to ship abroad ?

It´s the same amount of work, but you will get more customers and more bids for your items.

The shipping is paid in full by the buyer and you are able to make some guys (most of the time fellow hobbyists) happy that do not live in your nice kingdom.

So, please enlighten me. 

Is it lazyness ? Racism because i´m a freaking kraut ? I don´t freaking get it.

... so... enough ranting for now.